walk this way

  Looking for a weight loss activity that is enjoyable, easy on your joints and one of the safest forms of exercise? Fact: Walkers have fewer incidences of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases. They live longer and experience mental health and stress relieving benefits. walk it off. Research continually shows fast-paced walking, when combined with healthy eating, is a highly effective for weight loss. the goal: Aim for 30 minutes at power-walk intensity 3-5 days a week Busy Schedule? If your schedule doesn’t permit long walks, no problem! BREAK IT UP into walking shorter periods of at least 10 minutes […] read more

perfecting your bench press

Is it chest day at the gym? Here’s what everyone should know: When performing bench press, dumbbell press or even push-ups, there is much more that one must consider rather than having the sole goal of trying to achieve the ever desired perfect beach body chest.  One must always keep injury PREVENTION as the main priority in mind before all else.  Here are some helpful tips on ways to avoid injury, and increase overall performance. What NOT to do? Never bench press in a 90 degree posture: Bench pressing with your shoulder angle at 90 degrees (the angle that your […] read more