
What is quinoa? Quinoa is actually a seed, which meansquinoa is naturally a gluten-free and cholesterol-free whole grain. FACT: Quinoa provides all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Why we love quinoa: 1. Protein punch. It is PACKED with protein. In fact, it is the only “grain” that’s considered a complete protein! 2. Wheat and gluten-free. Allergy safe! 3. Keeps you fuller longer. Since quinoa has a low glycemic index. It won’t raise your blood sugars after eating. 4. Keeps you regular. PACKED with fiber, quinoa can help protect you from cancers, heart disease and high cholesterol […] read more

walk this way

  Looking for a weight loss activity that is enjoyable, easy on your joints and one of the safest forms of exercise? Fact: Walkers have fewer incidences of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases. They live longer and experience mental health and stress relieving benefits. walk it off. Research continually shows fast-paced walking, when combined with healthy eating, is a highly effective for weight loss. the goal: Aim for 30 minutes at power-walk intensity 3-5 days a week Busy Schedule? If your schedule doesn’t permit long walks, no problem! BREAK IT UP into walking shorter periods of at least 10 minutes […] read more

ginger: natural medicine

Why we love ginger: Anti-nausea: Amazing effects on relieving morning sickness and motion sickness Clears sinuses Aids in digestion Great Anti-inflammatory: A natural powerful pain killer Helps maintain normal blood circulation Strengthen immunity Adds a healthy bite to foods! Ginger contains chemicals that may reduce nausea and inflammation. Researchers believe the chemicals work primarily in the stomach and intestines, but they may also work in the brain and nervous system to control nausea. FACT: A new study published in the journal Arthritis compared ginger extract to the common drugs betamethasone (cortisone) and ibuprofen for the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid […] read more

muscle injuries: the science

Muscle injuries comprise of 10%-55% of all sustained sport related injuries.  Contusions, strains or lacerations are the three main causes of muscle injuries with more than 90% of muscle injuries resulting from contusions and strains.  A muscle contusion is where a muscle is subject to a sudden, strong compressive direct blow resulting in muscle tissue damage.  Strains are most commonly caused during sprinting, jumping, or rapid muscular contraction or over stretching.  This causes an excessive tensile (pulling) force subjected onto the muscle leading to overstraining of the myofibers (muscle fibers).  This typically occurs at the point where the muscle joins […] read more

Plank: the proper technique

Plank is an amazing posture to work on when developing your core… if done correctly! Follow our key tips to ensure you are getting the FULL benefits: Make the plank: Neutral spine is most important! Keep a straight line from your toes, through your hips, to your ears. Avoid the “Teepee” (butt in the air): Avoid the hip hike Try not to rest your weight into the toes by lifting your hips. Hiking the bum up puts more stress on the shoulders, and leaves less work for the core. Think: work the gluts and activate the legs TIP: keep the […] read more